On the 27th of March 2024, Mrs Regina Ekijeme Aviomoh performed the akhe cooking title ceremony that initiated her into the clique of recognized women in Weppa and Wanno kingdoms. According to the culture, the highlight of the prestigious ceremony lies in the final splash stage; a separate rite where women adorn themselves and showcase their beauty.
Regina Aviomoh is preparing to participate in this final segment of the ceremony, which completes the process of becoming a full Onekhakha in wanno kingdom. A spectacular aspect of this phase of the ceremony is the time taken to prepare her, along with other women that will participate in the ceremony.
The agelong (Nene) plant, mixed with lime, is still very much available for its use to darken the feet of an Onekhakha, which differentiates and stands them out from the other women. To achieve the desired ‘dark feet’, the application of the plant on Mrs Aviomoh’s feet had started today, 5 days before the day of the event. This is a job for the elderly.
Accompanying the darkening of the feet is the painting of her skin to create the feeling of being special, which she truly is for performing the Akhe ceremony. Hauwa, designated body artist, is bringing her special skills to full bare, by creating flowery designs on Regina’s back, legs, arms and chest, a day before the main day.
Today is the main day, when Regina Aviomoh will join the other women in showing their beauty to the entire kingdom, in the major market arena. It is about 7.00am, the make-up artist is here to apply the final make-up on her face, decorate her hair and get her dressed up; aided by some other experienced women in the art of women for Akhe title ceremony.
Mrs Regina Aviomoh is ready to hit the market, fully dressed and adorned with beads and metals on her head, beads on her neck and body, a hand-woven and elaborately decorated Igbogane on her waist and beautiful ceramics on her legs. (These on her legs used to be real elephant tusks)
What a remarkable beauty wrapped in elegance and showcased in traditional attires [pause] It is natural for this gorgeous appearance to ignite jubilation. Egor community truly has a priceless jewel ready to be shown to the wanno community
It is time to hit the road to Agenebode market (voice) [prayer subtitle] God, shield us from sickness and death, take us there and bring us back in safety with joy. O God, victory is ours today. We will be like those that went and came back in safety
At this point, Chief Mrs Regina Aviomoh will meet the elders for clearance, before commencing the procession with other women, who are arranged according to communities slated for today’s procession.
Here the procession begins with fanfare, dancing and jubilation. The entourage made up of an all-male -group, beating drums and chanting songs; young and old women dancing in excitement and other women, will process round the Agenebode market.
When the eye beholds beauty, especially in this procession, there is usually appreciation. Family members, friends and market women did not only verbally appreciate Mrs Regina Aviomoh’s appearance, they also gave money.
The procession is gradually coming to a close. It is time to meet and shake hands with older Onekhakhas to pay them homage and be welcomed into the league of the traditionally important women in Wanno kingdom.
Hmnnn, we are back from the market. The procession was a success. Felicitations, merriment (eating and drinking), music and dancing follow.
Congratulations!! Onekhakha Mrs Regina Ekijeme Aviomoh,